This post shows you how to draw simple UI elements with U8G2 for your embedded project.

Table of Contents

The Intro

This post is aiming at beginners. To see the results you can go to https:///u8g2sim/, then > Code Examples > UI Elements.

In this post we will look at creating UI elements procedurally, which means in this case, not using any images, bitmaps or similar.

The graphics library of my choice for this is, as it supports a lot of displays and has a nice API.

Taking things appart

Drawing UI elements with a pen on paper is pretty simple, but maybe not as symmetrical and pixel aligned as on a display.

You can draw a button, a progress bar or even a simple dialog without any problems.

When you want to draw simple UI elements on a tiny display, you will need to do the same. First in your head, and then translate this into code, and see what happens.
To help you understand what I mean with drawing in your head first, think of it this way:

You will need to destroy your UI component into pixels, lines, arcs or circles. These will be our atoms and elements out of which our components will be made of.

The smalles thing we can draw is a pixel. If you extend this pixel into one direction you will get a line. With lines we can play around and draw triangles and squares, or in general: polygons.

Another prominent example is the circle and the ellipse.
The left image is drawn with the u8g2 graphics library. For quick tests I wrote a web-based simulator which you can use in your browser directly: https:///u8g2sim/.

Below is the code that generates the example shown above. As you can see, the library u8g2 provides functions to draw basic graphical elements:

void draw(U8G2 u8g2) {

    // x1,y1
    u8g2.drawPixel(25, 100);

    // x1,y1, x2,y2

    // x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3
    // u8g2.drawTriangle(100,100, 125,100, 125,75); // this is filled

    // x,y,w,h   origin: top left
The same goes for the circle and ellipse,
see the code example below:
void draw(U8G2 u8g2) {

    // x1,y1, radius
    u8g2.drawCircle(66, 100, 32);

    // x1,y1, x-width, y-width

You can try the code examples on this page in my simulator, and change them to get to know the functions.

Next, let’s take a look at the available draw functions of u8g2:

Trivial Rectangular Round Text/Other
drawPixel drawFrame drawDisc drawGlyph
drawLine drawRFrame drawCircle drawStr
drawHLine drawBox drawEllipse drawUTF8
drawVLine drawRBox drawFilledEllipse drawXBM

You can look up the references here:

Putting things together

With the previous chapter in mind, we can now annotate the initial drawing of our UI to map each element to functions of our graphics library.

Then, we can translate this into code.

The code below reads as follows: we define three functions, namely button, progressbar and dialog, which we call from within draw to recreate our initial sketch.

Also, we make use of the helper functions getMaxCharHeight and getMaxCharWidth from u8g2, so we can use these to calculate the centered position of the text.

void button(U8G2 u8g2, int x, int y, int w, String str) {
    u8g2.drawRFrame(x, y, w, u8g2.getMaxCharHeight() + 6, 4);
    int centeredX = x + (w / 2) - ((str.length() * (u8g2.getMaxCharWidth())) / 2);
    int centeredY = y + u8g2.getMaxCharHeight() + 2;
    u8g2.drawStr(centeredX, centeredY, str.c_str());

void progressbar(U8G2 u8g2, int x, int y, int w, int h, float value) {
    u8g2.drawFrame(x, y, w,  h);
    u8g2.drawBox(x + 2, y + 2, (w - 4) * value,  h - 3);

void dialog(U8G2 u8g2, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t h, String title, String msg, String btn) {
    u8g2.drawFrame(x, y, w, h);
    u8g2.drawFrame(x, y, w, u8g2.getMaxCharHeight() + 2);

    int centeredX = x + (w / 2) - ((title.length() * (u8g2.getMaxCharWidth())) / 2);
    int centeredY = y + u8g2.getMaxCharHeight();
    u8g2.drawStr(centeredX, centeredY, title.c_str());

    int offsetY = y + u8g2.getMaxCharHeight() * 2 + 4;
    u8g2.drawStr(x + 2 , offsetY, msg.c_str());

    button(u8g2, x + w / 4, y + h - 16, w / 2, btn);


void draw(U8G2 u8g2) {

    button(u8g2, 25,50, 50,"Button");

    u8g2.drawStr(25, 75, String("Progressbar:"));
    u8g2.drawStr(25, 100, String("Dialog:"));

    progressbar(u8g2, 100, 65, 80, 16, 0.6); // value: 0.0 - 1.0

    dialog(u8g2, 80,100, 80, 60, String("Title"), String("Text"), String("Button"));

The result of the code above.

(Which looks a lot better than our initial sketch).

Adding Complexity

As requested on Instagram "Which library did you use for the speed things?", let us take a look of an example on how to draw a gauge. To the left, a made up 180 degree gauge.
As previously shown, we have to take it appart and find ways to break it down into render functions. As it turns out we only need circle and disc segments, aswell as lines.

The trickiest part will be the rotation of the lines. ;)
The result of the code below.
void rotX(int cx, int r, int degrees) {
    return cx + (r - 2) * cos(2*PI * (degrees / 360) - PI);
void rotY(int cy, int r, int degrees) {
    return cy + (r - 2) * sin(2*PI * (degrees / 360) - PI);

void gauge(U8G2 u8g2, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t r, uint8_t percent) {
    uint8_t rx = x + r;
    uint8_t ry = y + r;

    // draw the outer circle segments
    u8g2.drawCircle(rx, ry, r, U8G2_DRAW_UPPER_LEFT);
    u8g2.drawCircle(rx, ry, r, U8G2_DRAW_UPPER_RIGHT);
    u8g2.drawCircle(rx, ry, r - (r/8), U8G2_DRAW_UPPER_LEFT);
    u8g2.drawCircle(rx, ry, r - (r/8), U8G2_DRAW_UPPER_RIGHT);

    // draw the inner disc segments
    u8g2.drawDisc(rx, ry, r/4, U8G2_DRAW_UPPER_RIGHT);
    u8g2.drawDisc(rx, ry, r/4, U8G2_DRAW_UPPER_LEFT);

    // the needle
    uint8_t px = rotX(rx, r - r/8, percent);
    uint8_t py = rotY(ry, r - r/8, percent);
    u8g2.drawLine(rx, ry, px, py);

    // long ticks
    for (int n = 0; n <= 180; n+=30) {
        int x1 = rotX(rx, r, n);
        int y1 = rotY(ry, r, n);
        int x2 = rotX(rx, r - (r/4), n);
        int y2 = rotY(ry, r - (r/4), n);

        u8g2.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)

    // short ticks
    for (int n = 0; n <= 180; n+=5) {
        int x1 = rotX(rx, r, n);
        int y1 = rotY(ry, r, n);
        int x2 = rotX(rx, r - (r/16), n);
        int y2 = rotY(ry, r - (r/16), n);

        u8g2.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)

void draw(U8G2 u8g2) {
    gauge(u8g2, 10, 50, 90, counter % 180);

Explaining the rotation

The value we pass into cos and sin needs to be within 0.0 - 2*PI for a full rotation. This means, we need to divide our degrees by 360. Then, we subtract PI to rotate our starting position to the 9 o’clock position (originally it is at 3 o’clock).

The reader has the liberty to create a generic helper function to draw ticks, instead of copy and pasting the for loop ;).